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- Le Sublime
- KVK number :84233265

- BTW number: NL863141584B01
- Publication manager : Virginie Benichou
- Head office : 215 Nico Jessekade / 1087NC Amsterdam - Phone : 06-27-88-72-33



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Information available on this Website is under the jurisdiction of Dutch law and is provided subject to our disclaimer of all liability and responsibility, explicit and tacit alike. Information given may contain technical and/or typographical errors. It therefore is non-contractual and subject to change without prior notice.


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Le Sublime disclaims all responsibility for the content of any other website which may be accessed via the official Le Sublime Website. It is also expressly reputed by any user of this Website that in no case can Le Sublime be held responsible for damages of any kind, direct or indirect, tangible, intangible or extraordinary, resulting notably from the consultation and/or use of this Website or other Websites which are linked to it, such as for their uses of textual, audio or visual information which may have been collected by the Website and notably with regard to financial or commercial prejudice, loss of programming or data in the aforementioned user’s information system or elsewhere.


In the absence of a contractual commitment, Le Sublime reserves the right, at any time, to delete information or other references on its Website, and may even shut down the aforementioned website, at its total discretion and without prior notice.


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Nominative information, figuring on this Website, or collected by means of online forms, is collected subject to conditions, foreseen by the Dutch law of 6 January 1978, governing Electronic Data Collection and Privacy. Any person, having provided their data, reserves the right to access, change, rectify and/or delete their data by simply sending a request to the administrator of the Website.



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